PCT Application Filing

International Patent Filing (PCT) Application

PCT stands for Patent Cooperation Treaty. Countries signatories to PCT can get the benefits enclosed within this treaty. As on Date 157 countries are signatory.

A PCT application is also generally termed as an International Application, but this application never gets granted. It means PCT does not provide any protection unless it is filed in the specific jurisdiction or specific country. Its just a filing system having few advantages.

Advantages of PCT Application:

1. International Priority – Which means even before publication of your patent application, if someone files same invention in the signatory countries, still you will have priority.

2. International Search Report (ISR) – ISA is generate by International Searching Authority that you select. In short, this report is generated by Examiner of the respective patent office. If the report validates patentablity, it will be easy for you to take a decision on investing further on filing this patent application in other countries.

3. Approximately 30 Months for filing PCT National Phase – National Phase means actual filing of you PCT Patent Application in the country of your choice. This 30 months of breathing period can be utilized for exploring various opportunities in different territories or just to extend the time for expenditure or do feasibility test.

At Brainiac IP Solutions we help you in complying with all the requirements of PCT as well as in drafting a PCT application in India that minimizes chances of error. The application that we draft for you will be acceptable to all major patent offices.

We will also help you select competent searching authorities for better International Search Reports (ISRs).

Since our associates are spread across the globe, we can help you file your patent application in almost every country.

More About PCT:

A PCT application is an international application filed at WIPO Geneva (international bureau  -IB) or at any regional receiving office.

Since India is a member of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Indian citizens are entitled to file patent applications within the member countries through the PCT route.

The PCT application has to be filed after six weeks and within 12 months from the date of priority. After filing the International Patent application from India, the applicant gets about 30 months to file the same application in different countries that are signatory to PCT.

For filing the patent application in countries that are not a signatory to PCT, applicants have to choose the conventional route, which means all such filings must be completed in 12 months from the date of priority. An additional international search report (ISR) is generated by the selected competent person in International Search Authority (ISA), which validates the patentability of the patent application. This ISA helps the applicant increase the possibility of getting the grant.

For years, Brainiac IP Solutions has been helping Indian and international clients with PCT application filing services. Contact us today to know more.

List of PCT Signatory Countries:

AE-United Arab Emirates, AG-Antigua and Barbuda, AL-Albania, AM-Armenia2, AO-Angola, AT-Austria, AU-Australia, AZ-Azerbaijan, BA-Bosnia and Herzegovina, BB-Barbados, BE-Belgium, BF-Burkina Faso, BG-Bulgaria, BH-Bahrain2, BJ-Benin, BN-Brunei Darussalam, BR-Brazil, BW-Botswana, BY-Belarus2, BZ-Belize, CA-Canada, CF-Central African Republic, CG-Congo, CH-Switzerland, CI-Côte d’Ivoire, CL-Chile2, CM-Cameroon, CN-China3, 4, CO-Colombia, CR-Costa Rica, CU-Cuba2, CV-Cabo Verde, CY-Cyprus, CZ-Czechia, DE-Germany, DJ-Djibouti, DK-Denmark, DM-Dominica, DO-Dominican Republic, DZ-Algeria2, EC-Ecuador, EE-Estonia, EG-Egypt, ES-Spain, FI-Finland5, FR-France2, 6, GA-Gabon, GB-United Kingdom7, GD-Grenada, GE-Georgia2, GH-Ghana, GM-Gambia, GN-Guinea, GQ-Equatorial Guinea, GR-Greece, GT-Guatemala, GW-Guinea-Bissau, HN-Honduras, HR-Croatia, HU-Hungary2, ID-Indonesia2, IE-Ireland, IL-Israel, IN-India2, IQ-Iraq, IR-Iran (Islamic Republic of), IS-Iceland, IT-Italy, JM-Jamaica, JO-Jordan, JP-Japan, KE-Kenya, KG-Kyrgyzstan2, KH-Cambodia, KM-Comoros, KN-Saint Kitts and Nevis, KP-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, KR-Republic of Korea, KW-Kuwait, KZ-Kazakhstan2, LA-Lao People’s Democratic Republic2, LC-Saint Lucia2, LI-Liechtenstein, LK-Sri Lanka, LR-Liberia, LS-Lesotho, LT-Lithuania, LU-Luxembourg, LV-Latvia, LY-Libya, MA-Morocco, MC-Monaco, MD-Republic of Moldova2, ME-Montenegro, MG-Madagascar, MK-North Macedonia, ML-Mali, MN-Mongolia, MR-Mauritania, MT-Malta2, MU-Mauritius, MW-Malawi, MX-Mexico, MY-Malaysia2, MZ-Mozambique2, NA-Namibia, NE-Niger, NG-Nigeria, NI-Nicaragua, NL-Netherlands8, NO-Norway5, NZ-New Zealand, OM-Oman2, PA-Panama, PE-Peru, PG-Papua New Guinea, PH-Philippines, PL-Poland5, PT-Portugal, QA-Qatar 2 , RO-Romania2, RS-Serbia9, RU-Russian Federation2, RW-Rwanda, SA-Saudi Arabia, SC-Seychelles, SD-Sudan, SE-Sweden5, SG-Singapore, SI-Slovenia, SK-Slovakia, SL-Sierra Leone, SM-San Marino, SN-Senegal, ST-Sao Tome and Principe, SV-El Salvador, SY-Syrian Arab Republic, SZ-Eswatini, TD-Chad, TG-Togo, TH-Thailand2, TJ-Tajikistan2, TM-Turkmenistan2, TN-Tunisia2, TR-Türkiye, TT-Trinidad and Tobago, TZ-United Republic of Tanzania, UA-Ukraine2, UG-Uganda, US-United States of America11, 12, UZ-Uzbekistan2, VC-Saint Vincent and the Grenadines2, VN-Viet Nam  , WS-Samoa2, ZA-South Africa2, ZM-Zambia, ZW-Zimbabwe,


PCT Flow Chart

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